Get it? tee hee! Taurus Apart... I kill me! Bwahahaha. Oh sorry... I didn't see you there.
As an amateur astronomer, a science educator, and a BIG fan of puns, this shirt kind of created itself. I had the pun in my head for a long time but never quite got the image to go with it. Then I started playing with the geometric styles based on an idea from my wife and viola! A design that I love.
I will be printing some shirts for purchase in person soon, but if you don't want to wait for that, you can head over to my shop and see all the paraphernalia that I have up for sale.
If you have an idea that you want to see brought to life, please don't hesitate to reach out and say "HEY!". I love helping where I can and I look forward to working with you.
Which one is your favorite? All three are available for sale on the shop linked in the top bar.